The Secretariat of Education of the State of São Paulo and Languages Canada signed a notable Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) this week to support closer relations between the two parties. Promoting English and French teaching and learning, and the international mobility of teachers and students from the state’s network of Centros de Estudos de Línguas/CELS (Centers for Language Studies), are among the objectives of the MOU. The agreement will set the stage for sending some of the brightest students from São Paulo’s public schools to Canada to improve their French and English language skills, as well as teachers to improve language and second language teaching skills.
Canada’s Consul General in São Paulo, Stéphane Larue, will be present for the signing ceremony with Dr. Herman Jacobus Cornelis Voorwald, Secretary of education for the State of São Paulo.
Consul General Larue, a strong supporter of Canada’s international education initiatives in Brazil, states, “I am pleased to be here today to witness the beginning of what I believe will be a very fruitful collaboration between Canada and the State of São Paulo in the area of English and French language training. Being a bilingual country where English and French are national languages, Canada has immense experience with second language education. We are the top recipient country in the world of Brazilians going abroad to study English, and the second recipient for French-speakers, only after France.”
“Today, more than four million students are registered in São Paulo State’s educational network. The partnership with Languages Canada will give our students the chance to master a second or third language and increase the cultural experiences of our children and youth,” adds Dr. Cornelis Voorwald.
While Languages Canada members receive more than 18,000 Brazilian students a year, this is the first time such a close collaboration has been launched between a state and the association, opening the door to participate in more projects important to both parties.
“Brazil is a country that has always valued education, and the State of São Paulo clearly understands that building capacity in language is a foundation for capacity building for education and the workforce,” remarks Gonzalo Peralta, Executive Director of Languages Canada. “This is also a wonderful opportunity for Languages Canada and our members to contribute and to learn."
Languages Canada is the not-for-profit association that represents more than 227 language education member programs across Canada, which offer accredited English and French programs from both the public and private sectors.
Twitter: @LangCanada
For more information, please contact:
Sarah Snowdon
Communications Manager