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Languages Canada signed agreement with Consortium of Mexican Universities

On August 20th, Languages Canada formalized a new partnership in Mexico, with the Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas (Consortium of Mexican Universities/ CUMex) – an association comprised of 30 public, state universities across 29 Mexican states which include more than 1,000,000 students and 150,000 teachers.

Record number of international language students reported in 2017 – Languages Canada Annual Survey

Nearly 150,000 students enrolled in Languages Canada (LC) member programs in 2017, up 10% from 135,425 in the previous year. Overall student weeks also increased, from 1.5 million in 2016 to 1.61 million in 2017.

Paraná Speak English Coordinators Wrap-Up Three Week Toronto Program

From July 9 to 27, Languages Canada, English School of Canada, the Canada Homestay Network and eight other Languages Canada members collaborated on the delivery of a unique professional development and international partnership-building program for a delegation of seven institutional coordinators from Brazil’s Paraná Speak English program.

Nearly  8000 International Students Celebrate their Stay and their Education in Canada

Ottawa, July 20, 2018 – From Halifax to Victoria, thousands of international students will take a time out from learning English or French today to celebrate World Student Day (WSD). The festivities will take many forms: BBQs, soccer games, amateur artist competitions, zumba, kung-fu, speeches . . . Students from all corners of the globe will showcase their unique talents in a spirit of sharing and exchange.

Languages Canada made substantial gains in Brazil

Ottawa,  Ontario June 21, 2018 – The largest association of language schools in the country, Languages Canada (LC), experienced an exceptional week in Brazil. In the past days, LC signed a formal agreement with the Association of Brazilian Rectors of State and Municipal Universities (ABRUEM), met with the Secretary of Higher Education and Governor of the State of Paranà to discuss the Paranà Parle Français program, and entered into a formal agreement with the State of Goiás—yet another state that wants to benefit from LC’s expertise.

Collaboration for Success - Language Schools in Toronto: Challenges and Opportunities

Toronto, Ontario – May 2, 2018 - The City of Toronto organized a workshop for the Toronto-based language schools, titled Collaboration for Sucess - Language Schools in Toronto: Challenges and Opportunities.

As the country’s premier language education organization, Languages Canada was invited to present on the impact and importance of language programs and language education in Canada, and specifically in Toronto.  “The primary purpose of this workshop was to better understand the language education sector’s valuable contribution to Toronto. Languages Canada is impressed with the City’s initiative and we will do everything we can to work with the City in supporting the sector and its growth” says Executive Director, Gonzalo Peralta.

Languages Canada’s Executive Director Meets with Government and Chamber Officials in Halifax and Manitoba

Gonzalo Peralta, Executive Director of Languages Canada, travelled to Nova Scotia on April 10 and 11 to conduct meetings with Ministry and Chamber of Commerce officials. He was joined by members Sheila Nunn from ECLC, Srini Pillay from ALCC and David Packer, board member and co-chair of the LC Advocacy committee, from Dalhousie University ESL to meet with the Honourable Minister of Immigration, Justice and Attorney General, Lena Diab. The meeting focused on updating the minister on Languages Canada’s advocacy efforts and presenting the association’s new membership criteria and how those new criteria provide even better protection for students. 

Languages Canada Announces Launch of Paraná Parle Français Program and Paraná Speaks English Scholarship Program

Curitiba, Brazil – March 13, 2018 -- Languages Canada and three French member universities - McGill University, Université de Montréal (UdM), and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - were in Curitiba, Brazil Tuesday, March 13th for the official launch of the Programme Paraná Parle Français, and the launch of the Languages Canada - Paraná Speaks English Scholarship Program. 

The event was presided over by His Excellency João Carlos Gomes, Secretary of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the State of Paraná. “We (the State government of Paraná) are investing in the internationalization process of state universities. This program, developed among the network of Paraná state universities, will stimulate direct and intensive actions in the university context, which will contribute to the establishment and implementation of international mobility programs.”

Did you miss the 2018 conference? Here is a recap and a few photos for you.

Languages Canada, held its 10th anniversary conference in the vibrant city of Toronto from February 19 to 21, 2018. The conference provided an opportunity for members and other stakeholders to meet, network, participate in leadership and professional development, all of which will help the sector grow and improve. It is a time when the Association reviews and reflects on the past and plans for the future. Over 240 delegates, including LC member representatives, stakeholders, government officials, NGOs, and international education service providers attended the event. The Association is proud to announce that this was the highest attended conference to date! 

Languages Canada reports on the success of its trade mission to Central Asia

ALMATY, February 5 - 7, 2018 -  Languages Canada brought twelve members – representing universities, colleges, and private sector language programs – to Almaty, Kazakhstan to meet with 25 high-quality education agencies from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Azerbaijan.